Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
Josephinum Academy will commit to racial equity and justice by educating and creating opportunities for dialogue, celebrating diversity and honoring perspective; adjusting our academic programs and supports. Josephinum will continue to work toward bringing awareness and addressing racism and injustice head-on while modeling the beauty of inclusion and belonging.
We are devastated by the tragic events that continue to plague our society. The heartbreaking, violent actions that led to the numerous deaths rock our core belief that we are all created equally in God's image.
Solutions to these problems are multi-faceted and will take significant dedication by all of us. We also believe that communication is a key component of the progress we must make together. Josephinum will continue to create opportunities for this dialogue with changes in our academic programs and student counseling. Your thoughts and feedback will influence Josephinum’s plan to assemble a more cohesive curriculum that educates and builds awareness of the issue of equality for people of color and other vulnerable communities.
Josephinum Academy is committed to the Five Goals and Criteria of a Sacred Heart education. And in today’s troubled times we truly see their relevance and how important they are, not only to education, but to build a better world. In the tradition of our Sacred Heart Goals Three, a social awareness that impels us to action, and Goal Four, the building of community as a Christian value, we want to provide the opportunity to create a cohesive voice to campaign for justice.
Every day the focus at Josephinum Academy is on the social-emotional well-being, health, and safety of our students and community members. For over 130 years, our Jo community has overcome many challenges and still endures. Yet we must all continue to challenge ourselves and join this fight for necessary change in our country.
To learn more about Josephinum’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging, email info@josephinum.org.